Yandex.Market "Green Prices" | Arranged by Eventum Premo

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Yandex.Market "Green Prices"


About the project

Sometimes it happens that a client comes not just with a brief, but with a ready-made creative idea. Most often, we take on projects only with our creativity, but there are very rare exceptions.

This time, Yandex.Market came up with a mind-blowing🦅 (in every sense) promo for their project "Green Prices", with the coolest discounts for loyal users. And we simply could not help but take on the implementation of this idea.

We needed to place promo banners under objects from which people rapidly fall down☄️ (just like Green Prices) - Bungee 207 in Skypark and a roller coaster in Sochi Park.

We had to solve a number of non-standard implementation tasks: the conditions in Skypark are the mouth of a mountain river🌊⛰, complex terrain and nature under protection. Not a single blade of grass was harmed during the promo!

We had to come up with a complex structure that would hold the banner even if nature was raging, but would still look beautiful in photographs. And there was also a tight deadline: the project had to be launched in literally a week!

Have you seen this project in your favorite marketing channels? 😊