Growing Together! | Arranged by Eventum Premo

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Growing Together!

About the project

In the hot days of July 2013, an unusual, exciting and exciting event was held in honor of the 6th anniversary of the company "Home money". The birthday is a great occasion to bring everyone together: this year, the company traditionally celebrated the holiday in one of the best country clubs in the Moscow region. In addition to the employees of the Central office, leading personal managers and business managers from all regions of the network's presence arrived.

On a birthday it is customary to give gifts, and these days there were a lot of them.
The festivities were held for two days; on the first starting day, the winners of the "Best network employee" contest presented the most interesting practices. After that, the company's managers awarded everyone who entered the list of winners-personal managers and business managers. At the end of the official award ceremony, it's time to interact: for the most daring and open questions were answered by the CEO of the Company Andrey Bakhvalov. There were a lot of questions, everyone could raise relevant topics for themselves and get clear and honest answers to them.

Representatives of the company's economic security Service also took advantage of the opportunity to meet and discuss working part of the corporate event, employees were trained in all areas of SEB's activities. The best employees of the SEB were also awarded commemorative diplomas.
The original end of the business part of the first day was a symbolic and spectacular so-called "wool" team building. The most exciting event for the audience gave each participant the opportunity to feel the feeling of an inextricable connection between all employees in a single well-coordinated team! All these events were the key to a great mood and a truly "home" atmosphere, which did not leave the guests on the next day of the holiday.

On the second day, a Grand celebration of the birthday of the company "Home money"took place! This morning, guests were greeted with Sunny weather and a rich game program. The daytime part of the event consisted of an entertainment program in the format of sports teambuilding - UpSideDown -a festival of creative and unusual sports.
The festive evening program began with an introductory speech by Andrey Bakhvalov. This evening, he presented commemorative statuettes to employees who have worked in the Company for 5 years – this tradition was established in the last anniversary year, on the day of the celebration of the fifth anniversary of "Home money", it will continue in the future! Also, memorable gifts were awarded to employees who became the best in the categories: "Master of his craft", "Best employee of the region", etc.
The event ended with the performance of special "star" guests-the Band'Eros "and DJ "groove"!

"The Company's birthday was fun, on a great wave! We had all the necessary ingredients for a good holiday: Sunny weather, beautiful people and a lot of positive emotions. Every employee of the company "Home money" could proudly say: "this Is my birthday! Growing together!" And the atmosphere of pleasant communication instilled even more confidence that the company's grandiose plans based on today's achievements are a reality, because we are a real team that develops professionally and personally, so that together we can continue to move forward confidently! - Natalia Rusanova, Head of the PR Department of the Home Money company, commented on the event. "We thank Eventum Premo for organizing the event, all our colleagues and partners for their presence, and we hope that our cooperation will only grow stronger as the Company Matures!"