Volkswagen – to be shot! | Blog Eventum Premo

Volkswagen – to be shot!

What qualities do you associate with Volkswagen cars? Reliability, durability, style. As a result of the last event, many representatives of the business community and the writing community have firmly rooted in their heads yet another: super reliability.

In one of the warm July days, not obscured by smoke from forest fires, the Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles brand held Volkswagen Intelligence Day, the key event of which was the execution of Transporter. An armored Volkswagen Transporter was shot in front of witnesses in a specially equipped area in a yacht club near Moscow, the transfer of which was carried out on a fashionable boat. All those present - Volkswagen special agents - were able to observe what was happening on the big screen, located in the immediate vicinity of the place of execution, in real time, and then personally verify the reliability of the car.

The brand personally invited VIP guests to the execution of Transporter, and Eventum Premo traditionally took over the work with the press. It would seem that due to the summer, the tight deadlines for preparing for the event, the abundance of smoke and the time of vacations, it will not be possible to gain the right audience. Nevertheless, the turnout was indicative - almost 100% of accredited media attended the Volkswagen private event.

Eventum Premo's PR specialists ensured the appearance of the journalists, organized communication between the media and the brand’s management, and provided journalists with comprehensive information about the event and the cars.

In general, the event was wonderful: the car proved to be first-class, and the Client and journalists are satisfied, and we have completed our work. It’s probably immodest to say that we did everything perfectly, but if you say so, you can forget about immodesty!