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Event Business Secrets

In event-business a lot of problems. One of them - from what is really interesting, there is little to tell. You can not make out the inside kitchen. You can not complain, for example, tupiznu client, it's like that sign in their own incompetence, conceit and bad parenting. Even if the story is very funny, or vice versa - is tragic. And it is impossible to tell how at the last moment we have prevented grandiose factors up, because with such professionals can not happen? It can not. And we have not happened (although it was oh, how close). And the cases on which you want to tell, is well, very much.

Here's an example.
We have done some terrible event in a protected area, where there was an exhibition of any antiquities. During the preparation to go there could be only on the application with certified signatures on the passport through a metal detector. In general, there was still good, but one of nuance. During disassembly, we accidentally took with them exhibit - very old and valued at N hundred thousand dollars (if it is sold on the antiques market somewhere in Canada). And we took it and really casually - he stood in the nondescript box next to the same our boxes and longshoremen loaded it too. A driver took to the warehouse. Where was the guard, I do not know, but I learned about the disappearance of the news on the radio. Something Keeping in mind, I went to see our boxes, found the ancient and phoned the director platform. Night. In the darkness among the boxes. Saved a man from a heart attack, who was appointed the next day, when he should be questioned. In the morning we passed the box back and the exhibit was shaking hands in white gloves. In general, all ended well.

The whole point of history is lost fairly, if not to say that for a piece we accidentally grabbed one who was going to question where this happened. But, sorry, can not tell. Not allowed.