«Moscow is the capital…» | Blog Eventum Premo

«Moscow is the capital…»

In the PR department today is Tuesday. English day. Like any other Tuesday. There is still Friday. Fridays, respectively.

The first person who came to work on English day puts a piggy bank on the table and catches forgotten colleagues. For every Russian “hello” or any other word spoken not in English, the muddler puts 10 rubles * in the piggy bank. Normally, it’s already gaining rubles, you know. Before the New Year, we plan to go to the whole department to buy them useful books for the office.

We are so learning. Because project managers may be doing so well: we translate texts from customers almost every day, we correspond and negotiate with foreign companies, and sometimes we travel on business trips. But we also have colleagues who spend most of their time in the Russian-language office. Basically, these are assistants - our potential (no, future!) Hand-pros, which every day turn over incredible mountains of affairs. And language practice is simply necessary for them. Because at the next stage, they will definitely not have time for English courses and re-reading of textbooks.

And we also have leaflets hanging on the wall on which everyone can write down new and useful words and expressions. You can immediately see who is interested. Nearby are tycoon, lust, and comprehensive. What press release might the word “lust” appear in?

We have so much fun. We laugh at ourselves and our stupid mistakes. Over colleagues peeping at us from the event department, who either play along with us or call us aliens. Over the reaction of people who come to us for an interview these days. Again, then we’ll go to the bar and read books.

This is our small internal project, at the start-up of which many times more time was spent on communication and, what is there to hide, chervontsov. A project that develops into a fun tradition. One of those traditions that help companies to be something whole and interesting. And with every Tuesday and every Friday we feel more confident and somehow easier in this project. Just once did not hesitate to start.

* By the way. Alexander Shumovich, who recently moved to the PR department, every English day pays 10 rubles each morning for “hi,” and then is unforgivably silent almost all day, having excellent English.