Farewell to 2009 | Blog Eventum Premo

Farewell to 2009

In the last entry in 2009, I want to take stock.

Like many, this year was a year of excitement for us. At the beginning of the year, we anxiously followed gloomy forecasts, but tried to remain realistic. We were sure that the ruble exchange rate was stabilizing and from the beginning of the year they continued to conclude agreements in rubles. We were sure that the largest companies will continue to hold events and were right.

This year has been exceptionally successful for Eventum Premo. He set a new, higher level of professionalism for all players in the event-business. We also learned a lot and began to act more efficiently. Therefore, we end the year with a sense of professional satisfaction.

This year was special for us, we spent it together with our new brand, with new colleagues who joined us this year. The year was full of interesting acquaintances, new projects and new achievements.

I thank all our Clients, partners, contractors, all our friends and colleagues for the fruitful past year and wish them success in the next 2010 year. The next year is the year of the Tiger. Remember that in addition to gold and black stripes, the Tiger also has a white belly! Good luck to everyone!

Your shumovich
Eventum premo