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Event Summer

Answered on several questions of a professional publication for Event Managers Event Leto. Published by colleagues from Eventcatalog.

How do you discuss the likelihood of bad weather with a client?

We have a scientific approach. Using special sites, we look at the weather on this day for the past 10 years. After that, we better understand what to expect. We show the Client a beautiful schedule with average temperature and precipitation on this day. This is better than any beautiful phrases about the need to prepare for bad weather.

What measures are you taking to ensure that the event succeeds and the mood of the guests does not depend on the weather?

The secrets are as follows. The venues for all or 90% of the activity are duplicated: you can do it on the street, you can in special rooms.

Secondly, at hand the right amount of raincoats for people. Fast and efficient.

Thirdly, we perform a special ritual dance, which disperses the clouds and stops the rains. This is our special bonus to customers.

In your opinion, is the client always right?

There is a beautiful addition to this phrase: "The client is always right if it is the right client." But formulas rarely accurately describe reality. I prefer the concept of "customer focus." We are a customer-oriented company. What does this mean? We are focused on the tasks of the Client, on his goals, and not on what we can or what is easier for us to do.

The opposite of this approach: focus on the product, on yourself and on your service.

Do you always agree with the opinion of your client and do not insist on yours or DO NOT hesitate to defend your point of view on this or that occasion? If you do not insist, then why? If you insist, then what principles of persuasion do you reign over?

We defend. We argue. We prove. We give examples. We refer to our experience. If it doesn’t work, then we agree and continue to enjoy the work.

The Client has his own point of view with which he looks at the project. Your project horizon. He can see that which we do not see from our point of view. We are trying to remember this.

How often do you look for new contractors / partners? Do you have an accumulated base of permanent contractors with whom you work at each event or periodically “experiment” with new ones?

We have formed a pool of all key contractors. We have been working with them for several years. New ones arise when new categories of services and new categories of contractors arise. For example, a new projection technology or a new kind of show.

This is a healthy conservatism. All our contractors pass the Cruise Liner Test. If you need to make an event in the middle of the ocean on a cruise ship, you will only take trusted partners, those you trust. Because THERE you will not find anyone.


