Case: Digital Transformation on SAP Forum | Blog Eventum Premo

Case: Digital Transformation on SAP Forum

During the SAP Forum, SAP’s largest business forum, guests saw a unique Russian Digital Opening Show.

Organize a plenary session of the SAP Forum. Show a digital transformation that changes both the lives of companies and each of us. Present in one short show number a squeeze of the topics of the upcoming conference, show how SAP's business affects the life of a modern person.


Alexander Shumovich, managing Director and Partner of Eventum Premo.

Together with company employees, we participated in several rounds of creative sessions. During the discussions, the goal of our project was formulated: the company set the task to create a WOW-effect from the opening of the event, to make the participants share their emotions on social networks, tell them that they are participating in the SAP Forum. We analyzed various solutions and constantly looked for a form that could achieve the desired result. Gradually, from the craziest ideas, we came to more rational and feasible.

Show the morning of a city dweller going to the SAP Forum. During the show, big data, cloud computing, the Internet of things and the general digitalization of our life, penetrating into all spheres of human relations and work, should be shown.

Create a realistic show based on the interaction of a group of dancers and virtual objects on a complex screen. To create the effect of the speaker appearing unexpectedly in the center of the stage, a special modular design was created, on which 3D mapping was projected.

From the first second, the show number captured the attention of the audience, showing the awakening of a person, the digital street of the future, dance and flirting, the accelerating cycle of affairs and tasks, highlighting the complex internal mechanisms of the business and representing subsequent speakers.

Further speeches of the conference participants dealt with the topic of digitalization and management of complex systems. According to surveys of participants, the forum in 2016 was the best event in recent years.

Alexey Berlov, Partner of Eventum Premo

We have been waiting for this project with SAP for more than 6 years. Such large and serious corporations are scrupulous in choosing partners. I am very glad that finally the time has come when our level of work meets the high standards of SAP. It was great to work with a team of professionals from SAP.